Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Dior has a new designer... or so rumor has it...

His name is Riccardo Tisci, head designer for GIVENCHY. He is italian, and has been working with the firm since 2005. This hasn't been confirmed yet, but has been all over social media and the news.

I have to say, even though I know Tisci's work, and I do like it... I'm not uber excited.

Givenchy Spring 11

Givenchy Haute Couture

Finally, please check the Givenchy Fall 2011 runway, thanks to Popsugar!

Buuuuuut, anyway, tell me what YOU think, I actually want to read your opinions, because I am full of them right now... so tell me... is he the right designer to take on Dior and not be shadowed by Galliano's AMAZING work?  You be the judge...

1 comment:

  1. Dearest Fluffly Friend... estoy contigo ... sentimientos encontrados .. no me traumo esta colección de Givenchy, y el vestido que traia Kate B... buen no comments....Pero como dicen x ahi renovarse o morir.... asi que supongo que siempre es bueno cambiar de aires y puede q si es cierto el rumor, este chico aporte algo a Dior no?
